Sunday, 18 November 2018

Triumphant Return, a New Direction

Hello friends,

     I am sure many of you have been wanting to hear all the gory details of the dissolution of my almost eight year relationship (bros and gurls, send me a DM on Insta or FB messenger if you want to meet for coffee and hear me cackle hysterically, seriously!  I'm trying to not be such a hermit.).  Well, that's not what I'm going to do.  Not out of respect for him, but out of preserving my public image of being a fabulous, desirable, magical creature who certainly did not allow herself to be a doormat for another selfish, immature, sneaky ratbag.
     No, instead I am returning to ThingofStuff because writing and doodling is what helps me heal the best!  Especially now that I have been working professionally as an art therapist for a year, I think I should practice what I preach and creatively work through my issues...for the entire internet, former lovers, and family members to see.

     Over the next few weeks, I want to share: 1. my comprehensive guide to getting over very long term relationships quickly along with some lovely practical witchy rituals to get you in touch with your magical side 2. the ups and downs of entering the world of online dating in your mid-late 20's when you legitimately thought your were heading toward a beautiful life and the existential fear from the knowledge that your parents won't be grandparents until they are in their late 60's - early 70's now even if you do adopt  3. an online dating horror story 4. whatever the fuck I want because 2019 is the year of H E D O N I S M.
     This is going to be a no-holds-barred, often NSFW, candid, and honest celebration of the freshest start.  I am in my dream career.  I am almost back to my professional modelling weight and measurements.  I live alone in a beautiful apartment.  And I am still young and hot, with no permanent wrinkles on my resting bitch face (more on that in 3. The Great Bumble Caper).

*In all seriousness though, if I can make anyone smile and not feel alone through sharing my misfortune, then I am happy*