Sunday, 9 December 2018

An Aside

I decided to try online dating to prove to myself that I still know how to talk to men.  It turns out I don't.  In a vast world of normal people, I don't think my quirky charm really translates online.  Here is what I finally decided on for my Bumble profile:

I figure honesty is always the best policy.  Why not lay it all out on the line from the jump?  Here are some other bios I had considered:

As much as I love RBG, I felt like that would go over too many heads.  Perhaps some good old self-deprecation?

The #tooreal edit:

I don't feel like I have a sexy bone in my body.  I am not smooth.  I am painfully genuine and wear my heart on my sleeve.  I audibly gag when I am nervous.  Me trying to flirt is like trying to sneak out of the middle of an aisle during a movie and knocking the drinks out of the cup holders.  There is no going back after that.

One great thing about working in palliative care is that I know we all die alone.  Even surrounded by your long lineage of loving family, only you shuffle off this mortal coil when the time comes.  I have no fear of dying alone. Bring on that spinster life!

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