Tuesday 2 April 2013

Still Alive

Dear readers (if there are any still clinging to the hope that I'll break myself away from studying to do something constructive and fun),

I've been a bad/good girl and have been avidly studying and working out CAUSE I'M DOING MY FIRST PAID RUNWAY SHOW! A dolla makes me holla Honeybooboo chiiiiiilllllld!  Yes, tomorrow I get to do a choreography session to prepare for the show on the 9th!  I'm so excited and nervous I could pee and/or barf EVERYWHERE!

It can't all be productive, I was procrastinating and looking at children's toy commercials on line because I'm having obscure jingles and kid's song pop into my head all the damn time right now.  Feeling just a wee bit scatterbrained with all this excitement going on and the end of yet another semester of university.

Anyway, here's what I found tonight:
The internet seems to want to draw me to things about maggots, and it's really not appreciated.

Bear with me, my life will be mine again soon.

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